Red Love Is All Around Rarest카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 01:01
Comment by NelleRavencrestBeen farming this all day, would say I have done 100 summons. I know two other people, who are up to almost the same amount of summons and none of us have seen it yet.When I try to use the here from wowhead it cant retrieve the item in game, this is usually due to the fact that the item have NOT YET dropped at ALL on the server. I went to test this theory of going to Silvermoon (EU) and using the link and immediately received the item info ingame (most likely cause the mount have dropped there)This would suggest that the droprate is something like 1/1000 or maybe even 1/10000 since I play on one of the most active servers in EU (Ravencrest) and im sure there have been an insane amount of summons all day. Lets see what the following days bring. But as it is now it doesn't look like a 1/100 droprate like most other rare mounts, it seem much much more rare.As a refference, the Headless Horseman mount had a 0.3% drop chanceBest of luck to all of you! Comment by mlecznaJust like a Headless Horseman mount it seems to be scaling with your raiding skill, so it can be used BOTH as flying 150% / 280% mount as well as ground mount.
It has very low drop rate from in Shadow Fang Keep during 'Love is in the Air' event. It also looks like a pimp's mount.Btw.I have seen one on my serwer. You must also consider, that the 'Love is in the Air' event just launched, so we are sure to see some more of those sweet mounts in game. Just kill Apothecary Hummel and pray for it to drop.
Comment by ceemeeirI'll most likely never know the reason of downrating such comments. Yes, they would be better to be collected together, like a reply to the previous one, but ATM these are the only source of drop-rates.Edit:Grats to the one, above me. I wish all ppl dedicated like you could have one instead of ppl who just had 1 lucky summon. You truely deserve it.Fourchette: I feel with you, I did only 420 summons for my HH mount, but it was 400 more than I ever want to do again. That is one of the reasons I didn't even try to farm this mount.Better luck next time:(. Comment by KaledanYou better sit down son.
Would you like the good or bad news first?The good news is that I can remotely diagnose your ailment.The bad news is the cause:-454 loots? This means one of two things.a) You are full of the proverbial.b) For a boss you could have only legitimately looted 35 times up to when you posted this message. One loot per person per party of five per day. If you have managed 454 it means you have been riding on other people's coat-tails, expecting to contribute nothing to the team (in the way of a loot) but wanting a free roll on drops. It's ninjas like you that ruin the game for everyone else.I hope you don't get the drop.
The Random Number Gods are working as intended. Comment by ThystormIve been farming this baby pretty hard, but i havent got it yet. So i have a question for all u other mountfarmers out there:Does it just drop on the US servers? Or is it able to get it on EU servers as well?Some things in-game has been exclusive for US, like this. So Im just wondering if theres any point of me continuing with the farming or not.
Did about 130 attempts on the Headless Horseman without seeing 1 single mount drop, so I guess it can be bad luck aswell.I dont think we have any of these mounts on my server. None have answered me when ive asked in trade, and I havent seen anyone with it.List of rare items that have dropped for me while farming for this mount:x 4x3x3x2x0. Comment by RuikeIt scales to riding skill, not to your highest level mount. If you have epic flight training it will be 310% speed, there is no extra training for it. If you have only basic flight it will be the basic flight speed.
If you don't have flight it will scale to whatever land mount training speed you have. It is exactly the same as other mount speeds, not because you have the other mounts but because that is the fastest your training allows.
310% mounts have the same req training as 280%. Its like saying your ponies would scale up because you got the warhorse, speed is based on mount not skill, except the ones that scale with your skill not your other mounts.Also because this mount scales with your skill, unlike the X-51, it can be used in areas that don't allow flight, like Dalaran and most of Azeroth, it just stays on the ground and has 100% speed. Comment by ninkosenThe droprate is outrageous.But I suppose for it to be 310%, probably the best looking flying mount around, flashy and all. Both ground and flying. I mean this is the whole package.
If it had been 1% it would have be easier than ZG mounts etc.Just don't except to farm this, or have it.Beside I don't see any pride to have this, so what you go around town, and you look just stupid not because it looks bad but because it's like taunting everyone 'look how lucky I am and you are not' and the fact for him to be able to have it, it requires 2500 people who tried but didn't have. Technically and fairly this mount is equally owned by 2499 other people. We just don't ride it ^^. Because we all pay for the same game.You could write a book on RNG. Now Blizzard doesn't like 1% droprate mounts, they are into 1/2500 ones.
Kalu'ak countest and!@#$. Power to the RNG in 2010. Just to clarify some misconceptions about this new functionality, the summoning of holiday bosses is going away. Players can queue for these bosses via the Dungeon Finder or special holiday NPCs found in the world. Once the party is finalized, the group will be ported directly to the area where the holiday boss resides. Players can kill the holiday bosses as often as they want for standard loot (epic rings, trinkets, etc.), however, they will only drop one holiday-themed loot trove per player per day.
These loot troves will have a chance of containing rare holiday items such as The Horseman's Reins.This means, you no langer can take alts and let them summon the boss to get your mount/ pet etc.is obviously the loot trove you get for killing Apothecary Hummel. By menemew 18 days ago (Patch 3.3.2)As of 3.3.3 the mount will dropp from a kind of box, obtained the FIRST time you kill Hummel each day (just like the emblems of frost reward) IF you use the dungeon finder (Which will let you search grp for world event bosses). Still the same droprate although it will not be shared by grp members.This information is unnecessary at this point in time considering there will be around 11 months for holiday drop mechanics to potentially change before Love in the Air happens again. Comment by AimsyrFemale Blood Elf? Bah, this is clearly the latest fun-filled vile creation of the Legion. I blame the Succubi.Although the Blood Elves did serve the Legion for a while, and they do have Warlocks.Female Blood Elf Warlock + Succubus + Big Pink Love Rocket =.Or to make it simple:1. Get one or more Female Blood Elf Warlocks and one or more Succubi (the more the merrier!)2.
Get Big Pink Love Rocket3.?/Censored4. PROFIT!Okay let's pretend that never happened and I never said any of that, I think I even managed to creep myself out on that one. Comment by adrian12308ok guys this mount despite of its color is pretty cool to have, considering u get ur chances at it once a year keep in mind that it is also the 3 and only way (for now) to obtain one of these types of mounts1st way. Buy a X-51 Nether Rocket Xtreme mount from Ebay or get lucky with some TCG.2nd. Do the Recruit-A-Friend way for the X-53 2 seater one.3rd way.
The Love is in the Air holiday bosses.Yesterday a Horde obtained the Pink rocket and he showed it to us in Dalaran, it looks very cool and honestly i would love to have it. Besides REAL MAN WEAR/USE PINK!For wat i see it has the same drop rate as the HH mount and the Brewfest Kodo and Ram so guys lets just keep trying and congrats to any person out there who gets their hands on this baby! Comment by Rankkoryep, on WOTLK the event was redesinged. It used to have a diferent plot, diferent villian and diferent quests. When the boss was added, so was this rocket. Of course this was before the random LFG was implemented, so back then you had 5 chances per day to get the mount (but also had to compete with the other 5 members of the group if one dropped)today you have only 1 chance per day to get the mount and 14 days per year, but this time if u have it, it's yours. No need to compete wit anyone.
Comment by abhigailstephenThe role of social networking services in online dating has been explored in a book dedicated to the subject. The findings of the study reveal that the online dating services driven by subscriptions offer the least amount of social networking opportunities, as they often only utilize the personal homepage genre of online community, which only makes them effective for the bonding and encoding stage of the relationship. The dating services modeled on the free-at-the-point-of-use model scored much higher as many of them utilized the Circle of Friends social networking method and a wider number of online community genres. The highest scoring dating service was Facebook, which uses the personal homepage genre, the message board genre, the weblog and directory genre, as well as utilizing the Circle of Friends.
The second highest scoring, Second Life utilizes virtual worlds, message boards, chat groups and profile pages to allow people to contact in a three-dimensional environment.dating sites. Comment by MurdekklokFive years doing this on ten toons I already know I'm not getting the mount.
Not looting anything but Love Token from the Heart-Shaped Box and only 5 of those. Blizzard hates me. Someone that worlds at Blizzard hates me. No mask, no pet, no rose and no mount. Five years not a thing but the very lowest they can give. Blizzard if you advertise your product and do not provide the customer with what you advertised you run the risk of being hated by your customer. It's just a game, why not give your customers what you create?Why not actually distribute all the content you spend billions of dollars creating to your client?
Five years is a long time to only get five Love Tokens, you should call them F.k You tokens. Comment by MurdekklokThe idea is that you don't give your customer everything in order to encourage them to keep coming back for more is no way to maintain a social game environment. That's horse hockey. The client that leaves is the client that doesn't like your product, ef them. You're punishing the client that likes your game and wants to stay. The client that doesn't like your game and is leaving should not be the focus of your game design.Ef the guy that leaves, there will always be in your life someone that leaves. When you create product based on the idea that your client is going to go you will always fail.
Assume instead that your client is happy with your product and reward them with everything you create.The only client that is going to leave is one that had the intention to go before he purchased your product. He left, why punish those who stay?
Love Is All Around Video
The more you punish your loyal clients the less likely the are to stay with you. Don't cater to a client that is walking out the door.
Reward your current customer with all the goodies.Examine LFR, you're giving equipment to customers with no gems and no enchants on their items. You're rewarding those that don't invest time in your game, it's a cycle you continue to pursue Blizzard.
Comment by MyzouCan confirm it still drops. Got it in a bag on my druid yesterday. Almost gave me a heart attack. Though, naturally, I wish it had been on a toon other than my druid. I will like, never see my flight form again. D:Just another confirmation for those curious: The mount can be used in Flightless Areas.EDIT: Jeez.
People are rude. Downvote comments from people confirming things. Tip: Before telling me it was already confirmed, pay attention. No where here has it been said it can be used in flightless areas. My comment does.
Comment by WescmanMoP is coming, and mounts are going Account Wide. I made a little list of mounts, so you can show off how epic you are, starting at levels as low as 20. This list is meant for mounts you can achieve in-game without buying them from the Blizzard Store, as all of those can be used at 20. I have not included the TCG mounts, as those don't really show, 'Feats of Strength' either.Obtaniable In-GameThere are, of course, all of the capital city faction mounts as well.Recruit a Friend, Scroll of Resurrection, and Big Blizzard Bear mounts are all usable at 20 as well.Please comment mistakes or tell me if I missed anything.: ). Comment by TalisseThe only drops from, not from the event-boss how it's said in the event article ' the extremely rare Big Love Rocket, dropped by the event-only boss Apothecary Hummel in Shadowfang Keep'.And proof for this is the answer from a GM:' Greetings Talisse,Thank you for contacting us.The Big Love Rocket can't be obtained from the apothecaries themselves, in order to give a fair and equal chance to all players without having them reset the instance multiple times a day.We're wishing you the best of luck for this year!Regards,Game Master BroldnirBlizzard Entertainment Europe '. Comment by IwannabeerYou may queue up praying for a Toxic Wasteling to beat up critters with; you may pray for a Vile Fumigator's Mask because you are frequently flatulent; you may pray for a rose, a greeting card, or a useless doo-dad that makes people cry because you're mean that way; you might even pray for just a few more tokens so you can buy a very annoying pet or a trampy outfit.
You might pray for any of these and might have those prayers answered. But if you queue up praying for this mount to be yours you will only finish this holiday assured that the gaming gods love only a very few players - and you're not one of them.
Comment by GrandoreIt was hilarious last year. It was the last day of the holiday and I got my Paladin up to level 85. That was when I was like 'Oh hey I can run the Valentines dungeon on my Pally! So for #$%^s and giggles I decided to run it. After completing it and getting the heart shaped box I proceeded to open it and The Love Rocket was in it. I couldn't believe my eyes!
One of if not THE RAREST mount in the entire game in my possession. I literally $%^& my pants when I got it. And when I mean $%^& my pants I mean as in I seriously @#$% myself! My reputation as the resident mount collector is now set in stone on my server. 187 mounts and still counting! Comment by Thecanman, the drop chance of this is 1 in 3333, or a 0.03% chance to drop from something which is only available once a day per character FOR TWO WEEKS. Comment by Jazzycakes2Before anyone starts throwing around 'Rarest mount in the game yada yada' let's look at the maths.You get 14 runs per character a year to get this mount.
It takes several minutes to do this on each character. The instance only takes 1 minute plus a couple minutes in queue where you could be auctioning, questing, dancing on mailboxes etc.might have a better drop AND each character gets 52 attempts per year, however how long does it take to get a group together to down the world boss?Comparing apples to apples, running for both mounts with the same amount of attempts, you will end up with first.
However it will take more than tenfold the amount of time invested.If you look at the 2 weeks that the Love is in the Air event last, you are far more likely to get a than due to the fact that 14 attempts trumps the 2-3 attempts per character plus time invested.Sorry for the rant, I believe people need to look at these 2 mounts in a different point of view! Comment by lilyandreaJust buff the drop rate. This is really stupid.
Love Is All Around Youtube
All other event mounts have pretty normal drop rate yet still remain rare enough. After doing this for YEARS on multiple characters, I believe I deserve it. Simply cos I worked my ass off every year for this!:S I am sure many mount collectors agree. This is the only mount I am missing from world events. And have been missing for years.I am yet to see anyone in my group getting in, anyone in my guild getting it, anyone I personally know getting it. This makes me seriously sad.
Comment by brnnoser6983It’s that time of year again. Oh yes it is Valentine’s week in Wow and yet another quest to get that elusive love rocket. Over the years of attempts on the rocket I figured I would track my drops this year.The numbers:This year I ran 12 toons on 2 different servers over the span of 13 days (15 in total this year but because of maintenance on the servers and my work schedule I skipped 2 days) A total of 156 different runs.Bag drops:Toxic Wastling: 8Forever-Lovely Rose: 11The Heart Breaker: 1Vile Fumigator’s Mask: 6Token drops:In total I received 1018 tokens with an average of 84.83.Numbers aside I am beginning to think that the rocket is a lie just like cake is a lie. Better luck to those who get it on their first try. Comment by RtucciSaddens me to see people downrated for their tales of good fortune.
Gone are the days of yellow posts on Thottbott where people would update and edit their posts and tell of their progress, giving hope to others through their persistence and screenshots. People would root them on and continue to farm the mount for themselves. Now there's so many people that are just jealous and greedy, downrating and complaining.You can't really post anything constructive on a mount or item that's multiple years old and doesn't have any special ways of obtaining other than good luck and persistence. So good luck and be persistent!and be happy for the people who spent ridiculous amounts of time for something that only has meaning in this community and game and to them. Comment by bullshizzblizz12Well every year every event it lets u do holiday bosses one lvl below cap well not this year i found out the hard way I had 13 99s I now have to lvl to 100 I didnt do the last lvls cuz i was already so burned out after 13 99s and one 100 so now i'm gonna lose days on some sigh off to the grind once again a heads up would of been nice blizz u give us so Lil time before event to lvl all our alts then u hit us with a lvl cap holiday boss that's the rarest of all how thoughtful of u I was so excited I had so many for the event now I'm sad lol.
Comment by TaraezorChance to get the mount? Well we need to know the approximate drop rate and the number of attempts.Chance to get the mount = 1 - ( 1 - drop rate ) ^ number of attemptsExample: drop rate is 1 in 1000 or 0.001. Number of attempts is 101 - ( 1 - 0.001 ) ^ 10 = 1 - ( 0.999 ) ^ 10 = 1 - 0.99 = 0.00996 = 0.996%After 693 attempts:1 - ( 1 - 0.001 ) ^ 693 = 1 - ( 0.999 ) ^ 693 = 50.01% chance of snaring a rocket.That's the minimum number of attempts to tip the% chance in your favour!(And if it does drop then for heavens sake get yourself some swag pimpin clothing so you can pose in style.)I have seen people say the drop rate is 1/3333. Ten attempts = 0.2997% chance and to nudge over 50% you would need 2310 attempts.(Lolz.
Now I edited it with maths that is actually correct. The down votes are coming in fast).
Love Is All Around
Comment by Mightyena5875345If you ran this on 50 characters every day during the event each year, on average it would take you almost four and half years to obtain it. With 10 characters that would take 22 years and with 20 characters it would take 11 years. This drop rate is rediculous. Blizz, please make it like 0.3% instead of 0.03%. That would be soooo much more fair.
Hell, even 0.1% would make it not stupid. It would still be the rarest currently obtainable mount in the game, it would just be actually feasible instead of impossible.